People / Charlotte Klein
Charlotte Klein - Boels Zanders

Charlotte supports Boels Zanders’ lawyers in the areas of rental law and compliance. With expertise, of course, and also with common sense, creativity, empathy and intuition. She not only looks at the legal options, but above all keeps an eye on what the client really wants. That sounds obvious. But with all the aspects that demand attention in a case, Charlotte sees how important it is to keep that aim.

Charlotte loves working towards a common goal. Knowing that you can rely on each other, investing in the relationship with clients and colleagues. Proactive, involved and with integrity, she contributes to the bigger picture with her distinctive voice.

Charlotte studied law at Tilburg University and completed the master’s degree in private law at Utrecht University. She ran her own healing practice for two years and made complex issues understandable as a copywriter before returning to the legal profession. She has been working at Boels Zanders since 2023.

Charlotte is actively involved as a volunteer with Lawyers for Lawyers alongside her job. This organization supports lawyers worldwide who are persecuted or threatened because of their work.


Charlotte Klein - Boels Zanders


Dutch English

Rental law
Compliance and integrity

"To achieve the best possible results, I use both my wits and intuition."
● Charlotte Klein

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