At Boels Zanders, our lawyers passionately support their clients. As we look toward the new year, Janou Briaire, Anouk Hofman, Merel Lentjes, and Fleur Kapiteijn share what it means to be a great lawyer and how today’s era is shaping t...

Fleur arouses colleagues’ enthusiasm about the unknown and sometimes unloved. As business development and support manager, she spots opportunities, anticipates threats and helps shape innovative policies. After all, the legal aspect is not the only thing that matters; all the issues around it are also important.
The lawyer of the future is not only a problem-solver, he or she is also a trusted advisor. An expert who builds and maintains relationships, sharing legal knowledge to help clients move forward. With an open attitude and a willingness to listen. Prepared to invest in new skills themselves.
So you have to change to stay the same, says Fleur, quoting freely from Willem de Kooning. She therefore strikes a good balance in the organisation between learning and results. In doing so, she thinks from the different strata: the individual, the team and the organisation as a whole. Fleur proceeds with care, sensitivity and thoughtfulness. This is how she advocates for progress.
Fleur completed her degree in Dutch Law at Maastricht University. She then worked in management positions at JuroFoon, Arag and other companies before joining Boels Zanders.

Marjolein de Loë
+31 6 29 59 10 73
[email protected]