“With the prospect of new housing for Boels Zanders, we are approaching the final stage of our communication strategy and the implementation of our new visual identity. We are incredibly proud of this.” Remco Rosbeek and Harm...

The law governs a lot of things, but not everything. There are always new situations, circumstances that call for a new interpretation. For Harm, the ensuing puzzling, the search for creative solutions to cope with problems, is one of the most attractive aspects of the profession. You help people move forward and help them resolve conflicts, preferably in a quick, intelligent way.
Obviously, putting yourself in the other party’s shoes is part of it. You are, of course, representing the interests of your own client, but the best way to represent them is by keeping other interests in mind as well. Tough on substance, soft on everything else: as a real estate specialist, that’s how he negotiates contracts. This is how you come up with solutions, even if you both have different starting points.
Harm’s particular expertise revolves around the rental law governing commercial and residential premises. Through years of consulting and litigation experience, he has acquired an in-depth knowledge of the retail and hospitality sector. In his work, he not only pays attention to the legal aspects of the case, but also keeps the client’s commercial interests in mind, for example those of major housing associations, breweries and nationwide retailers.
He also teaches rental law at Maastricht University (postgraduate course) and the Dutch Academy of Legal Practice. In 2019, Harm was voted Magna Charta Lawyer of the Year in the Rental Law category.

Gigi Martina
+31 88 30 40 158
[email protected]